Past Activities

Printmaking Course

printmaking course

From Etching to Screenprinting at arc Yinnar with tutors Jenny Peterson and Sharon Anderson. Sharon will introduce the course with screenprinting for 3 Sundays starting on April 28. Jenny will continue on Wednesday evenings in May with monoprints, linocuts and etching on copper plate.

Summer Salon at Port Jackson Press

Sign with Ivy
Double Botanic

I have new works in this group exhibition at Port Jackson Press in Collingwood. "Bursting with fresh new works, the dynamic range of works collected in Summer Salon reflect the bright energy of the season and of the print community itself.

Nature Prints & Softground Etching

workshop flier castlemaine
nature prints

Jenny will be teaching a weekend workshop at Castlemaine Press, Lot 19, Castlemaine Victoria, in November 2018. Please contact with any inquiries or submit your question to the contact form on my website.

2018 Swan Hill Print and Drawing Awards

print from road sign with hand colouring

My print called Tramway and Boldings Road has been shortlisted for the Swan Hill Print & Drawing Awards this year, hosted by Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery, Victoria.

My Big Backyard in Castlemaine

driving blue

My Big Backyard: Reflections on Landscape. An exhibition of drawings, paintings, prints & sculpture by eleven artists from the Goldfields and Gippsland. This group show asks how do regional artists use their physical and visual place to inform their creative practice and approach?

Open Today

jenny's studio

From 10 - 4 today I am open to the public and offering a Special Discount (which continues until Christmas 2017). Purchase a print and get the second print (same size or smaller) for half price! This includes all prints on display and within storage folders.

Latrobe Open Studios

jenny's studio

Read Jenny's interview by the Latrobe Valley Express here  A Special weekend 21 and 22 October (10-4 both days) when some 20 artists in and around the Latrobe Valley open their studi

Fremantle Print Award

Tramway Road, 2017

Tramway Road, 2017, intaglio and gouache, has been shortlisted for the Fremantle Print Award at the Fremantle Arts Centre, W.A.

My Big Backyard

Amanda Thompson, Michael Wolfe
logo RAF and RAV

My Big Backyard: Reflections on Landscape. A group exhibition of drawings, paintings, prints & sculpture by eleven artists from the Goldfields & Gippsland. Curated and presented by Jenny Peterson and arc Yinnar.

Printmaking Workshop

J Peterson, little collage, mixed media
Sara Saridis untitled print

Water based monoprinting at Castlemaine Press, Vic. Painting and drawing onto Perspex plates to create one-off works on paper. These unique prints can be used to create your own suite of images around a theme, they can also be used for mixed media works in combination with other techniques.

In My Backyard print exchange

In My Backyard, etching, drypoint, collage

In My Backyard international print exchange to be launched at Castlemaine Press on Sat. 27 May with the many 12 x 12 prints on display. From 12 noon, Sat 27 May at Castlemaine Press Studio, Lot 19 Langslow St Castlemaine.

Mirboo North Art Show

ED, intaglio print

The annual fundraising exhibition for Mirboo North Primary School. It's always fun to be part of this community art show in the town hall and part of Arty Gras, Mirboo North over the Mother's Day weekend in May.

'Voices' Exhibition

promo for Voices Exhibition
sample works from drawers
exhibition view

Voices : Three Identities in Contemporary Printmaking. Meet the artists on Saturday 18 February.




I will be one the Creatives on site during the Creative Harvest Festival of edible gardens. With my little etching press I will be demonstrating 'nature printing' onto paper. I directly use botanical samples to create impressions of the plant, great detail can be achieved with ink and paper. Some of the plants I will be working with are from my host Adele's garden. Called 'Darna' this wonderful two and half acre garden is located at Darnum, in West Gippsland. I will have many prints, greeting cards and other gift items on display and for sale.