My Big Backyard

Amanda Thompson, Michael Wolfe
logo RAF and RAV

My Big Backyard: Reflections on Landscape. A group exhibition of drawings, paintings, prints & sculpture by eleven artists from the Goldfields & Gippsland. Curated and presented by Jenny Peterson and arc Yinnar. The opening event is at Gallery arc on Saturday 16 September: Gallery arc Yinnar, 19 Main St Yinnar 3869. Open: Tues-Fri 12.00-4.00  Sat 11.00-3.00 T 0351 631310 E W

This project is support by the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund - provided through Regional Arts Australia, administered in Victoria by Regional Arts Victoria.




I will be one the Creatives on site during the Creative Harvest Festival of edible gardens. With my little etching press I will be demonstrating 'nature printing' onto paper. I directly use botanical samples to create impressions of the plant, great detail can be achieved with ink and paper. Some of the plants I will be working with are from my host Adele's garden. Called 'Darna' this wonderful two and half acre garden is located at Darnum, in West Gippsland. I will have many prints, greeting cards and other gift items on display and for sale.