Latest release

Slow Sky

Called Slow Sky this print from a metal road sign includes etching and aquatint for the blue chevron. One side of the metal plate says 'SLOW' the other 'STOP'. Its a very scratched and beaten-up sign that would has been used at road works - for a lengthy time. In this version I have printed the side that reads 'SLOW' which is hardly visible until you're up close to the printed image.  The metal sign has passed through several hands and was gifted to me recently by an elderly neighbour. The print is now in stock at Port Jackson Press and was shown in Summer Impressions group exhibition.



I will be one the Creatives on site during the Creative Harvest Festival of edible gardens. With my little etching press I will be demonstrating 'nature printing' onto paper. I directly use botanical samples to create impressions of the plant, great detail can be achieved with ink and paper. Some of the plants I will be working with are from my host Adele's garden. Called 'Darna' this wonderful two and half acre garden is located at Darnum, in West Gippsland. I will have many prints, greeting cards and other gift items on display and for sale.