

The items presented in the Gallery give an overview of prints and other works on paper. All works are for sale unless noted otherwise. To view the full range of art works, visit Jenny's Studio Gallery in Gippsland, Victoria (by appointment). See the Contact page.

Unique print with etching, nature printed Dianella, watercolour. Frame size 31 x 25cm.
Unique print from found metal, watercolour washes and nature printed plant specimen. Frame size 67 x 47cm.
Unique print with watercolour washes, found metal print and nature printed leaves. Paper size 46 x 40cm.
Unique print with circular wash over printed metal, 5 printed seedlings of silver birch (betula pendula). Frame size 48 x 60cm. 
Unique print with loosely circular coloured wash over printed metal, three printed leaf specimens of camellia. Paper size 40 x 50cm.
Unique print of found metal, nature printed juvenile red box, watercolour. Frame size 64 x 72cm. SOLD
Unique print from found metal, plant specimen, watercolour washes. Paper size 31 x 27cm.
Unique print from wheelbarrow metal, plant specimens silver birch seedlings, watercolour. Frame size 75 x 95cm. SOLD
Unique print of wheelbarrow metal, plant specimens of Pinus radiata seedlings, watercolour. Frame size 74 x 96cm. ACQUIRED by East Gippsland Art Gallery, Bairnsdale through the Michael Beazer Works on Paper Award 2024.
Intaglio print from found metal, crimson band of colour a la poupe, nature print of pinus seedling. 59 x 66cm inc. frame. Edn 4 of 4 last of edition. 



I will be one the Creatives on site during the Creative Harvest Festival of edible gardens. With my little etching press I will be demonstrating 'nature printing' onto paper. I directly use botanical samples to create impressions of the plant, great detail can be achieved with ink and paper. Some of the plants I will be working with are from my host Adele's garden. Called 'Darna' this wonderful two and half acre garden is located at Darnum, in West Gippsland. I will have many prints, greeting cards and other gift items on display and for sale.